School Rules

School Rules

Attendance & Absence Policy

  • Regular attendance is important to help the students form a sense of regularity, punctuality and continuity in studies
  • Late corners need to report at the security room or reception and get their names entered in the record book
  • The students, who regularly come late to the school more than three times will be allowed to attend the class only after their parents meet the concerned teacher/school head
  • No half days or early leave will be permitted for the students. In case of emergencies, written permission would be required from the school head
  • Minimum of 75% attendance for the entire academic year is required for promotion of the child to the next grade. The school has the authority to call parents of students with low attendance
  • Parents should fill up the "Leave Record" for each day the student is absent from school stating the reason for absence
  • The students, who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from their doctor on the first day of re-joining the school
  • When a long term absence is anticipated, the parents/guardians should take a written permission from the school head 15 days in advance
  • It is mandatory for the students to attend the first and the last day of school (ie. before and after every vacation). If due to some unavoidable reasons they are unable to do so, a written permission of the school head needs to be taken before the child can attend the academic session
  • No assessments, tests, examination will be rescheduled or re-conducted to accommodate a student's absence. Please note that the failure to attend the final examinations without the school head's permission may lead to repetition of the same class in the next academic year

Communication : Parents & Teachers

  • Any communication made by the parent should be addressed to the Principal in the diary or through a letter
  • Parents and Guardians are requested not to see their children or interview the teachers during class hours
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the management by enforcing "Regularity, Punctuality and Discipline" and by taking interest in their children's progress. They should check the diary and see to it, if the work assigned to them is completed before they are sent to school the next day
  • Parents who are not in a position to meet the teachers when called for, may communicate to the school authorities in writing either in Tamil / English /Kannada through letters
  • A record of address of the parents or guardians is maintained in the school office. Any change of address or phone number should be communicated without delay

Regularity In Work And Responsibility

  • Pupils are responsible for the custody of their books and belongings. They are advised not to bring valuable articles, heavy cash, or wear gold jewellery. The school will not be responsible for the loss
  • If the Science Record Books / Homework / Classwork are not submitted on specified dates mentioned by the teachers, the student may not even be allowed to write the Examination

Collection of Funds And Money

  • Without Prior permission from the school authorities, no student/group of students is allowed to collect funds in cash/cheque from any source. Parents are expected to advise their wards. "Any violation of rules will result in dismissal, with the issue of T.C"

Class Room Discipline

  • Pupils should be obedient and be respectful even outside the school and make the teachers and parents feel proud of them
  • Perfect silence should be maintained in the class rooms and assembly hall
  • When a teacher enters the class room, the pupils should rise and remain standing till they are asked to sit
  • No pupil shall enter the staff room. Teachers will meet them outside the staff room
  • During working hours, Students moving from one classroom to Music class/laboratories/library or play field shall observe perfect silence
  • During school hours, students can leave the class room only with the permission of the teacher. No pupil should be found loitering outside the classroom

Commuting by School bus

  • Students cannot board the bus without ID cards
  • Should sit in their allotted places
  • Should board and get dropped in their respective bus stops. If any change required due to change of address, a letter should be given to the school office two days prior
  • When the bus is in motion, they are not allowed to move around in the bus
  • Communication should happen only in English, if not the ID card will be removed by the conductor
  • Students are not to use abusive language, obscene or rude gestures, or spit while on the bus
  • No shouting, screaming, peeping out of the window and should not throw objects of any kind either inside the bus, out of the bus, or around the bus
  • Should avoid eating snacks
  • Students are to conduct themselves on the bus in such a way that they will not distract the driver. Distracting the driver puts everyone on the bus at risk
  • Students are not to touch the emergency equipment on the bus (emergency doors, windows, roof hatches, first aid kits etc.)
  • Students should help keep the bus clean. They must not damage or abuse bus seats or equipment
  • Senior students are expected to be more responsible towards their junior fellow students and not bully them

School and Library Rules

The school has a good library with books suitable for study by the children. There are qualified and experienced Librarians to maintain the library and to guide the children in their library work.

  • Students of class IV onwards are permitted to borrow only one book at a time
  • Books borrowed must be returned within the due date (within a week)
  • Strict silence must be maintained in the Library-cum-Reading Room. Personal belongings like books, bags, etc., are not permitted to be brought inside the room
  • In case of damage to any book, the borrower has to replace it with the new book immediately
  • Transfer of books is not allowed. The student in whose name a book is issued shall be held responsible for its return as per the rules
  • Students will not be given T.C. when they apply for it unless all library books are returned and librarian gives a "No due" certificate
  • The library will be kept open during lunch hour

Parent & Teacher Co-operation

Parent - Teacher team work find a special place in our working system. This forms one of the main pillars of the school by envicing keen interest in the overall development of the children. All the parents are requested to attend the 'OPEN DAY' meeting when it is held 'PUNCTUALLY WITHOUT FAIL'.

Appeal to Parents

  • All round cooperation of the parents and guardians is requested so that their children may get the best out of the school
  • They are requested to study the School Diary carefully and go through it everyday, noting the home work and also other points
  • Parents who seek information or who wish to make some complaint should do so to the school authorities and not to the class teachers
  • Progress Report showing the progress of the pupil will be given to the parents after every school Terminal Examination. Parents or guardians are requested to examine the Report carefully and see that their wards make special efforts to improve in the weak subjects
  • Parents will appreciate the stand that their children themselves are responsible for their books, fountain pens, tiffin carriers or any other articles they may bring to school. While every effort is made by the school to reduce the incident of theft of such articles, the ultimate responsibility rests on the children themselves
  • Parents are requested to sign the Absence Record in the diary whenever necessary and also go through the Library Reading Record. They are requested to discourage late attendance
  • Rules regarding uniforms must be observed strictly with respect to cleanliness, colour and condition throughout the academic year. The rule holds good for shoes, socks and ribbon also
  • Parents are requested to sign all the test papers on open days. The answer papers may be given on specific request to be returned within 3 days. However the answer papers of summative assessment will not be permitted for taking it home
  • If parents of children who are weak in studies do not take interest in their wards never meet teachers on OPEN DAYS or fail to respond to messages (Sent by Teachers. or Principal) through school diary, such children will not be permitted to attend the classes
  • Mobile Phones not permitted

Examination and Promotion

To inculcate regularity, seriousness and systematic study habits, and to assess children continuously, periodic tests and terminal examinations are arranged as per the schedule printed in the handbook. Parents are also informed of the timings, day and dates when they can meet teachers to see the test books or the report card. Parents/Children should practice the following

  • Children should be regular to school
  • Attentivity and concentration while teacher is teaching are important
  • Parents should encourage, guide, infuse confidence in children, not to be afraid of teachers unnecessarily
  • Children should feel free to ask questions or clarify doubts
  • They must go home and read the lessons daily
  • They should cultivate the habit of reading aloud to develop fluency and clarity of speech
  • From early ages, parents should take interest in the hand writing of children & help them learn the correct way of writing
  • No home tuition by unskilled teachers who may confuse the children or teach them wrongly, be arranged
  • Children should be trained by parents to be self confident, bold and capable of independent study
  • Unless it is unavoidable or for serious reasons, children should not be forced by parents to take leave for functions and pilgrimage, as it affects the seriousness of children towards studies

Fee Regulation

  • Parents are requested to fill in details correctly and check up with the school the exact amount of fees before making payment. Fees once paid will not be refunded on any account
  • In case the fee is not paid on time students will not be allowed to board the bus until special written permission is obtained from the school
  • Fee defaulters will not be allowed to sit for the Term Exam and in the case of Board Exam Hall Ticket will not be issued until the fee is cleared

1 st term Fee - to be paid before - 10/4/2019.
2 nd term Fee - to be paid before - 30/7/2019.
3 rd term Fee - to be paid before - 30/11/2019.

Leaves Rules and Regulation

  • Leave should be applied in advance except for medical reasons
  • 75% attendance is required for a pupil to complete the course of study. If a child is absent due to prolonged illness/hospitalization, leave letter should be certified by a medical practitioner and the school doctor. If the students still has 65% of attendance, the pupil will be considered for promotion, provided the performance of the child is satisfactory in Test/Examinations to the required pass percentage level
  • If a student goes on long leave for any reason he/she will be marked absent and given "0"(Zero) for the tests and exam. No retest will ever be conducted
  • The name of the students will be struck off from the rolls if he/she is absent for more than 10 days without permission or intimation. He/She may be admitted on payment of Re-admission fees based on the discretion of management
  • Promotion is based on continuous assessment of the pupil throughout the year. A pupil who fails to appear in any particular subject will not be ranked with the rest of the class for the examination
  • Students who do not take leave rules seriously and absent themselves for a long period will be severely dealt with and T.0 will be issued

Rules of Withdrawal

  • T.C. will not be issued to any student unless the parent applies for the same in writing giving VALID REASONS for withdrawal. Last date to receive T.C. application is 31st December of every academic year
  • After 31st December the same will be issued only if the 1st Term Fee is remitted
  • A student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue and T.C. will be issued in the best interest of the child
  • Parents can collect T.C. after 7 days from the date of application
  • A duplicate T.C. will be issued, if the original is lost, on payment of Rs. 100, provided the photostat copy of the T.C. is produced along with the application
  • If the parent had failed to apply for T.C. at the time of withdrawing the child from school and a fresh application for T.C. is submitted within 3 years of the student leaving the school, the same will be issued on payment of Rs. 100
  • T.C. will not be issued after a lapse of 3 years since the student had left the school
  • If anybody applies for T.C. in the middle of the session, the same will be issued only if one term's fee is remitted that too under special circumstances and after the approval from the management